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  • • “Manufacturing and Economic Development: An Introduction”, “Patterns of Manufacturing Development” and “Inclusive Manufacturing Development” (2017), in Nobuya Haraguchi and John Weiss, Structural Change for Inclusive and Sustainable Industrial Development, Vienna: UNIDO.
  • “Contrasting the Perception and Response of Domestic manufacturing Firms to FDI in Sub-Saharan Africa”, (2014), University of Kent, School of Economics, Discussion Paper, 14/10.
  • A New Interpretation of Kaldor’s First Growth Law for Open Developing Economies‘ (2014), co-author A P Thirlwall, Review of Keynesian Economics, 2(3): 384-398.
  • Contrasting the Perception and Response of Domestic Manufacturing Firms to FDI in Sub-Saharan Africa’, Discussion Paper 14/10, School of Economics, University of Kent [] .
  • Has Trade Liberalisation in poor countries delivered the promises expected?‘ (2011) co-author A P Thirlwall, in Angeles Castro, Gerardo, Ignacio Perrotini-Hernández and Humberto Ríos-Bolívar (Eds), Market Liberalism, Growth, and Economic Development in Latin America, UK: Routledge
  • “Los efectos de la liberación comercial en el crecimiento económico y la balanza de pagos en América Latina” (2009), Investigación Económica, Vol. LXVIII, No. 267, Págs. 13-49. [Abstract]
  • “Trade Liberalisation and the Trade-Off between Growth and the Balance of Payments in Latin America” (2007), co-author A.P. Thirlwall, International Review of Applied Economics, 21 (4): 469-490. [Go to IRAE] [Abstract]
  • “Trade Liberalisation, the Propensity to Import and Growth in Latin America” (2006),co-author A.P. Thirlwall, Journal of Post Keynesian Economics, 29(1): 41-66. [Abstract]
  • “Testing the Balance of Payments Constrained Growth Model for the Least Developed Countries”(2005), background paper for the 2006 Least Developed Countries Report, UNCTAD.
  • Mexico’s Country Report (2005), The Economist Intelligence Unit, July.
  • “Foreign Direct Investment, Exports and Imports in Mexico”, (2005), World Economy, 28(8): 1157-1172. [Abstract]
  • “The Impact of Trade Liberalisation on Exports, Imports, the Balance of Payments and Growth: the Case of Mexico”, (2005), Journal of Post Keynesian Economics, 27 (4): 595-619.  [Abstract]
  • “El Impacto de la Política Comercial en el Crecimiento Económico de México”, (2005), Economía UNAM, 4, Enero-Abril: 84-93. [Abstract]
  • “Trade Liberalisation in Mexico: Rhetoric and Reality” (2004), co-author A.P. Thirlwall, Banca Nazionale del Lavoro Quarterly Review, 229, June: 141-167. [Abstract]
  • Teaching Manual on Balance of Payments Constrained Growth (2004), co-author A.P. Thirlwall, UNCTAD, Geneva. 
  • “Políticas de Empleo en Economías Semi-Industrializadas” (2002), co-author J. López, Revista de Economía Política, 22 (2): 102-118. [Abstract]

Book Reviews:

  • For the Journal of Development Studies, 2007 (43) 3: 592-593. Finance for Development, Latin America in Comparative Perspective by Barbara Stallings with Rogerio Studart (Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution Press, 2006), pp.viii-316.
  • For the Journal of Development Studies, 2006, (42) 5: 904-905. “The Political Economy of Protection: Theory and the Chilean Experience” by Daniel Lederman (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2005) pp. 191.

Professional Profile:

  • Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores. (2023). Dra. Penélope Pacheco López. Tejiendo puentes entre la academia y el servicio civil internacional. En RED COTECI-CTI: Mujeres fortaleciendo la Diplomacia Científica de México en conocimiento, innovación y tecnología (Vol. 3, pp. 150–151). México: Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores.